Automobiles are one of the most significant inventions in the history of modern technology. They play a major role in our lives and without them, luxuries such as the ability to travel, work, and have family would not be possible.
1. The History of the Automobile
In 1885, Karl Benz invented the first motor car that was powered by an internal combustion engine. He received a patent for this vehicle on 29 January 1886 in Mannheim, Germany, and began selling it the following year.
The automobile has changed significantly since Benz’s invention. Today, vehicles are designed to be more efficient and environmentally friendly.
2. The Automobile Body
In the past, cars were made of wood and stone, but now they are mainly built from metals and plastics. This allows for better performance and safety in a variety of conditions.
3. The Engine
A car’s engine is the most important part of the vehicle. It is the main source of power and is used to propel the vehicle. The different parts of the engine include the pistons, cylinders, valves and crankshaft.
4. The Interior
An automobile’s interior consists of the steering wheel, seats and belts. These all interact with each other to perform multiple functions. The interaction of these components determines the higher-order function of driving, which is to move the vehicle in a desired direction.
5. The Auto Controls
A car’s controls can be found in the interior and exterior of the vehicle. These controls include the clutch, choke valve, and ignition timing. In addition, many of the original controls are now replaced by secondary controls that use touchscreens.
6. The Auto Industry
In the early years of the twentieth century, automobiles were a huge business and they helped create new industries. The economy also benefited because more people could afford to buy a car and the middle class in America grew dramatically.
7. The Environment
A major downside of automobiles is that they are polluting the air and affecting the climate. This is because of the greenhouse gas emissions from their exhaust fumes, which cause smog in large cities like Los Angeles and Tokyo.
8. The Human Impact
In addition to the pollution and negative impacts on the environment, automobiles have a big impact on the human population. In the early 1900s, there were about 40 million automobiles in the United States alone and this number is estimated to rise to 73 million by 2017.
9. The Automobile Industry
In the late 20th century, the automobile industry was a very profitable business. It allowed for the manufacturing of a large number of cars and light trucks at an affordable cost. The industry also allowed for the development of the suburbs and the paving of highways.